My relay, my volunteering! Volunteering and volunteers. At all I didn't know earlier concept of these words. Me curiosity – that constantly tormented this such, than these people are engaged, and the main thing of that they want to achieve the affairs. Earlier I was absolutely than not interested person, but two and a half years ago I came to the REZONANS and SORVANTSY Propaganda team collective and learned about public organization "Vmeste". At first I thought that it simply help to all and didn't understand it, whether it will be interesting to me, and whether long I will take in it part. But there was time, and I understood that there are people who need communication with me, my support. And as it is pleasant to see sincere gratitude in the opinion of those who happened to be helped me! ! ! In collective I two and a half years. Now I can declare that I am a VOLUNTEER! ! ! I received the volunteer book where I have at present thirty records for this short time, and it only began. I was entitled "the Volunteer of Karelia" and many various awards, diplomas and letters of thanks. Passes time, and the more I am engaged in volunteering, the more I realize all importance of my business. I don't want to speak for all, but many think presently what to do, something for free of charge it is silly. But they are mistaken, in exchange they receive an official message of thanks in all sincerity. It is one many more pleasant, than this pity money. I remember, the first action is was in October, 2011. We prepared a concert devoted to the Teachers' Day and day of the elderly person. I was a leader and read the poem devoted to veterans. Then it was my first experience, I remember how at me before a part for fear began to tremble feet and a voice, but I took courage and left. I was gathered air and on "one breath" started it narrating but when I was already on a home straight, looked in eyes of veterans and saw tears, they were so sincere that I thought it self I will payoff. Having sustained the relay, I was proud of myself. After that I realized that personally for me volunteering it, something is more, than the help to another is the help first of all for you. Volunteering develops in you such feelings as: goodwill, responsiveness, understanding, and main thing love to all surrounding. I at all don't regret that when that came and started being engaged in useful business. Namely volunteering gave me self-confidence, the main thing happy helped to become sympathetic, tolerant, and! It is difficult for me to realize, that the time of adult life will come and I'll have to leave my team. But on it my kind acts won't end! Because there are many people in every part of our big country, who isn't indifferent to problems and pain of people who surround them.